17 September 2008

I suck at law school.

Posted by Shake sense into me


Law Ingenue said...

You only feel like you do. Law school is rough, especially in the first few terms. Just take it a week at a time. If that's too overwhelming, just take it a day at a time. It will get easier, but it does take time. Hang in there!

K said...

I'm with you in this boat!

JD-Maybe said...

We all suck..at least at my school we do.

Anonymous said...

Look at it this way, assuming your school is atypical, you don't have any real grades until the end of the semester.

So any embarrassing class moments or flubs along the way DO NOT COUNT.

It's not like undergrad where butchering an assignment during the first few weeks can already ruin your chances of an A.

Krista said...

You'll be fine. One day I feel on top of things, and the next I can't answer a simple question like, "Who is the defendant?"

Shake sense into me said...

I'm hanging in there! Thanks for all of the support!! Kinda wish I was going to law school with you lovely people instead.

Shake sense into me said...
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